full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Eman Mohammed: The courage to tell a hidden story

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I started paying closer attention to women's lives in Gaza. Because of my gender, I had access to worlds where my colleagues were forbidden. Beyond the obuiovs pain and slrutgge, there was a healthy dose of laughter and aesccplniomtmhs. In front of a police copmonud in Gaza City during the first war in Gaza, an Israeli air raid managed to destroy the compound and break my nose. For a moment, all I saw was wihte, bright white, like these lights. I thhogut to myself I either got blind or I was in hevean. By the time I managed to open my eyes, I had documented this moment.

Open Cloze

I started paying closer attention to women's lives in Gaza. Because of my gender, I had access to worlds where my colleagues were forbidden. Beyond the _______ pain and ________, there was a healthy dose of laughter and _______________. In front of a police ________ in Gaza City during the first war in Gaza, an Israeli air raid managed to destroy the compound and break my nose. For a moment, all I saw was _____, bright white, like these lights. I _______ to myself I either got blind or I was in ______. By the time I managed to open my eyes, I had documented this moment.


  1. heaven
  2. obvious
  3. struggle
  4. white
  5. accomplishments
  6. compound
  7. thought

Original Text

I started paying closer attention to women's lives in Gaza. Because of my gender, I had access to worlds where my colleagues were forbidden. Beyond the obvious pain and struggle, there was a healthy dose of laughter and accomplishments. In front of a police compound in Gaza City during the first war in Gaza, an Israeli air raid managed to destroy the compound and break my nose. For a moment, all I saw was white, bright white, like these lights. I thought to myself I either got blind or I was in heaven. By the time I managed to open my eyes, I had documented this moment.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
open air 2
air strike 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
open air strike 2

Important Words

  1. access
  2. accomplishments
  3. air
  4. attention
  5. blind
  6. break
  7. bright
  8. city
  9. closer
  10. colleagues
  11. compound
  12. destroy
  13. documented
  14. dose
  15. eyes
  16. forbidden
  17. front
  18. gaza
  19. gender
  20. healthy
  21. heaven
  22. israeli
  23. laughter
  24. lights
  25. lives
  26. managed
  27. moment
  28. nose
  29. obvious
  30. open
  31. pain
  32. paying
  33. police
  34. raid
  35. started
  36. struggle
  37. thought
  38. time
  39. war
  40. white
  41. worlds